Get Involved
Gray Catbird by Will Stuart
Become a Member
Member benefits include a quarterly newsletter (found under the Discover tab) outlining programs, activities and initiatives taking place in your local chapter of Audubon, and a one year subscription to the Audubon Magazine.

American Goldfinch
New Members:
Please send check or money order for $20 made out to National Audubon Society
Please include full address.
Attn: Genesee Valley Audubon Society
208 Rhea Crescent
Rochester, NY, 14615
Renew online, or use the mailed subscription renewal form.
National Audubon Society may be reached at 800-274-4201 with any membership questions.
Volunteer Opportunities
Genesee Valley Audubon Society offers many volunteer opportunities.
Send inquiries to for details.
Contact June Summers: or (585) 865-6047 if you are interested in participating in any GVAS activities noted below.
Annual International Coastal Cleanup
Beach Clean Up, Volunteers Needed
Westpoint Marina, 105 E. Manitou Rd. in Greece
September 21, 2024 @ 9 am. We will meet in the public parking loop before the Marina.
Join GVAS for the Annual International Coastal Cleanup in September, GVAS has picked up over a ton of trash at and around Braddock Bay over the years and we need your help this year to keep the bay clean. Trash entangles wildlife and plastic bags cover the bottom of the bay, preventing plants from growing. We have now learned that plastic trash that enters the lake can be ground down into small plastic pieces called micro plastics. Micro plastics get into the food chain from the bottom then into the fish and into people who eat them. Help us stop this process. Thank you to the event sponsor, the Helen and Ritter Shumway Foundation So join us. We will provide trash bags and data sheets. Please bring work gloves. A great community support event for groups.
Water Chestnut Pulls – July
Volunteers needed
July 20, 2024 @ 9 am
For years Genesee Valley Audubon has been working with the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Finger Lakes PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) to remove European Water Chestnut from Braddock Bay. Our work removing European Water Chestnut has kept it from covering the bay and cutting the light and the oxygen from the water. This keeps the bay healthy for the fish and other wildlife. The work that GVAS does is very important, and we need your help. If you have a kayak or canoe, please join us. We will meet at the Braddock Bay Tavern at 372 Manitou Rd in Hilton at 9:00 am. Great Backyard Bird Count – February
Go to for information and data from the previous year.
Board Members We’re currently recruiting new active board members.
Board Member Expectations
Nature Walk Leaders Share your interest and knowledge with others.
Program Speakers We’re always looking for individuals looking to share their knowledge of the environment and the environmental sciences.
Represent GVAS programs and initiatives GVAS attends various events throughout the year. (Examples: Mendon Winterfest, Bird of Prey Days, Montezuma Audubon Wildlife Festival)
Volunteer Application and Information
The only way we’ll be successful in our conservation efforts is with your help. As a constituent, you have a unique ability to convey your concerns about issues affecting birds, wildlife and their habitats — and be heard like no lobbyist.
Make a Donation
Genesee Valley Audubon Society
P.O. Box 15512
Rochester, NY 14615