Eastern Meadowlark by Sheri Douse
Walks and Hikes
with Genesee Valley Audubon Society are family friendly opportunities to explore nature first-hand with other environmental enthusiasts.

As part of our mission Genesee Valley Audubon Society wants to encourage all to get out and appreciate nature. To support that mission, we offer several local bird walks throughout the year. Our hope is that you will see something that peaks your interest enough that you will want to come out and experience one or more of our offerings, and bring along your family and friends. Everyone is welcome.
Registration is required for all activities. Please check here or our Facebook page for updates on upcoming GVAS activities and programs.
Birdsong Trail at Mendon Ponds Park – Now partnering with The Birdhouse !
27 Pond Rd., Honeoye Falls
Saturday, February 15, 2025 10:00am
Registration at by Thursday, February 13
Meet at the Wild Wings Parking Lot. Genesee Valley Audubon Society (GVAS) invites you to get some nature therapy by taking a walk in the woods for no longer than two hours. We may have the possibility of coaxing chickadees, tufted titmice, and nuthatches to drop onto our hands for a food offering of black oil sunflower seeds and peanuts. Sunflower seeds and peanuts will be provided. This trail is on a natural surface fairly clear of rocks and roots, but still may be slippery with wet leaves or ice. Dress for the weather and possible slippery conditions. We will also be using eBird and the Merlin apps to identify the birds around us as we celebrate the weekend of the Great Backyard Bird Count (February14 -17, 2025 Join the world in connecting to birds.
Follow Genesee Valley Audubon Society on Facebook or Twitter for updates.
Programs, Presentations & Events
are a great way to learn about a variety of environmental topics and get involved with nature.
Why are Sharp-shinned Hawks Showing Up at Braddock Bay with Lesions in Their Mouth?
David Mathiason, Ph.D. Banding Director, Braddock Bay Raptor Research
January 28, 2025, 7:30 pm, By Zoom
Registration required: email by Jan. 26
The Sharp-shinned Hawk is a small and secretive raptor of the woods. They are seldom seen in the wild and yet they account for the majority of raptors that are captured and banded during the spring migration at the Braddock Bay Raptor Research banding station. We have been seeing lesions and waxy plaques in the mouths of these birds for the past several years and are working to understand the cause and effects. Our study of this infection has grown into a regional effort with eight banding stations in the U.S. and Canada participating. Data will be presented and research threads will be explored.
A Desert Story: Science, Desire, and the Inyo Mountains Salamander
Dr. Christopher Norment, Emeritus Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology, SUNY-Brockport
February 25, 2025, 7:30 pm, By Zoom
Registration required: email by Feb. 23.
A few dozen rugged canyons in an arid mountain range near Death Valley are home to the Inyo Mountains salamander—one of only two salamander species in the world whose range occurs entirely within desert habitat. In this talk, Dr. Chris Norment will describe the ecology and evolution of this beautiful and compelling species, risks to its persistence, and his adventures while conducting research on the salamander in challenging and isolated terrain. He also will use his experiences with the Inyo Mountains salamander to explore a larger idea: how love and science “call us to the things of this world.” All those attending Chris’s talk should have two raisins handy. No kidding!
Singers in the Dark, Conserving the Mysterious Whip-poor-will and Other Nightjars
American Bird Conservancy video
March 25, 2025, 7:30 pm, By Zoom
Registration required: email by March 23
There was a time when woods across central and southeastern North America were filled with the mysterious nighttime song of the Whip-poor-will. Often heard but not seen, this bird’s evocative call now evokes sadness and nostalgia for many, especially as its song slowly disappears across its range. The Whip-poor-will is a member of the nightjar family, birds known for their haunting songs and nocturnal habits. Like the Whip-poor-will, other nightjars like Chuck-will’s-widow and the Common Nighthawk are also declining due to habitat loss and pesticide use, among other human-caused threats. This American Bird Conservancy video takes an in-depth look at these three nightjars. After the program I will send links to sites with more information about Nightjars if you are interested.
To participate as a volunteer with any of these activities, please visit our Get Involved page.
Genesee Valley Audubon Society
P.O. Box 15512
Rochester, NY 14615